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November 15, 2016
Taking up so much space
November 14, 2016
Did I do that?
November 13, 2016
Crazy kids
November 12, 2016
Hanging with the nephew
November 11, 2016
Lee brothers
November 10, 2016
How I woke up
November 9, 2016
Is this on?
November 8, 2016
November 7, 2016
Almost there
November 6, 2016
Treasure hunting
November 5, 2016
These kids
November 4, 2016
Finally quiet
November 3, 2016
Taking the plunge
November 2, 2016
So sensitive
November 1, 2016
Ready for the outdoors
October 31, 2016
A short lesson before cupcakes
October 30, 2016
Now in the middle
October 29, 2016
Silly kids
October 28, 2016
Not really using the whole bed
October 27, 2016
What is this for?
October 26, 2016
Always confused
October 25, 2016
Winter is coming
October 24, 2016
Fighting sleep
October 23, 2016
Jesse and Joyce
October 22, 2016
October 21, 2016
Standing, almost walking
October 20, 2016
Fruit tree
October 19, 2016
Wall TV